Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A-Rod's Agent

I read today in the New York Times that A-Rod's eyes were red on Monday night when he was in the clubhouse after the game.

He feels bad... he feels bad about the loss, bad about the team, bad for himself, I'm sure. And he said he felt bad about Joe.

He can do something about it. Maybe more than anyone. He can tell the Boss that if Joe goes, he doesn't come back. But Scott Boras, who it seems runs his show with an absolute fist, won't let him do that. Even... even if he wanted to. And that's a terrible, dehumanizing shame.

Because A-Rod could add to his legacy in a really great way doing this. But, even if he wanted to ... it's about money in the end. His agent wants him to opt-out of the contract. Alex makes more money now than he or his progeny could make in a life time.

Oh, but of course, Boras is only looking out for his client.

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