Friday, October 19, 2007

Joe Says Goodbye... for now.

I really had a hard time bringing myself to post this entry... the words are hard to come by. Just watching Joe go to the podium for his last press conference as Yankee manager was a little surreal. But there he was, calm and steady as always. The room was packed.

He confirmed that the deal was what it was, and that it was non-negotiable on their side. He alluded that he knew what was on the table, and maybe there would be some wiggle room. He couldn't accept the deal, and their so-called incentives, and he was right for rejecting it. As he said, "I've been here for twelve years, and I didn't think motivation was needed". His voice gave way a couple of times, especially when he spoke of his players and his coaches... and the fans.

However, he admitted that he felt that the deal was "an insult". For Joe to say this to the public... well it's a big deal for him to say. He spoke well of the boss, and he spoke well of Cashman ... well, he said Cashman stuck up for him last year. And that spoke volumes also.

I didn't want him to get off that podium. I wanted him to stay, at least until first season of the new stadium opening. I want him back next year.

If this organization has one working brain cell left, they will go to him and apologize for their short-sightedness (and stupidity) and give him a deal he truly deserves.

Because this is what's going to happen: they'll get another manager... maybe even a good manager. But he won't be experienced enough or ready to deal with the magnitude of this team, it's bone-headed organization and the media hell he will face every single day. And it won't matter what they do or how they play all year...162 games ultimately don't matter to them, or how packed the stadium is without exception. Because all they care about is post-season. So, this is what I predict (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) ... when this team and it's coaching staff fall apart, they will go to Joe on their knees... their knees I tell you... and they better be wearing really good knee-pads.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Sad, Sad Night

Joe Torre did not accept the offer that the Yankees put on the table today. It was a crazy moment, because first I hear on Mike and the Mad Dog that he did accept (which is what one newspaper reported), then literally two minutes later, it was disclosed that Joe refused. It was a bad deal... and there's speculation that it was put together that way on purpose... in other words, that Joe was pushed out. The deal was $5 Million for one year (a 331/2 percent pay cut), and "incentives": $1 Million if he made the playoffs, another mil if he got the ACLS championship, and then another million if he got to the World Series. At first, it seems like a good deal... but it's not. It's a slap in the face. Why would someone of Joe Torre's legacy and caliber need to be enticed with incentive money... as to say that he's not doing 110 percent to win all along? It's ludricrous.

My first reaction when I heard the news, besides disbelief, was anger... and I couldn't pinpoint it to who. To the Yankees, to that buffoon Steinbrenner, Cashman, Joe himself... I was devastated. Like many fans are tonight, of course.

There is a tiny little shred of hope (maybe it's denial) that maybe they will put together a better deal for Joe, and lure him back. And a very big and public apology. And a promise that Steinbrenner will not open his big fat mouth again. Which is a physical impossibility.

Thing is, maybe Joe is really done with this stupid management. Maybe he's tired of placating this jerk. I know he loves this team, and he loves to manage it. But really, at what price.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Political OT: Boneheaded Journalist

So Dubya is giving a press conference this morning, and one of the (probably ivy-league educated) journalists asks him this: "Mr. President, do you consider yourself increasingly irrelevant and ineffective during the last 18 months of your presidency?[sic]"

Of course, Bush says no. Of course. But why oh why antagonize the man with this sort of retarded question, to give him more fuel to add to his megalomaniatical fire? Good grief.

Petition for Torre

Someone just brought this to my attention.

Here's a link to a petition to help Joe keep his job:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today is National Boss's Day

Being that at the moment I am sans travaille' (without a job)... National Boss's Day does not have the same meaningful impact as it would otherwise. A
A fun website for bad bosses is
However, many of you do have bosses that you want to celebrate (or eulogize) in some way. Here are some good bosses, in my opinion:
  • Lou Grant, the Mary Tyler Moore Show
  • Mr. Peterman, Elaine's boss on Seinfeld
  • George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life
  • Joe Torre
  • Oprah
  • Flower on Meerkat Manor

Of course, bad bosses outnumber by the dozens... my favorites:

  • George W. Bush (at the head of the list)
  • Tony Soprano
  • Mr. Burns
  • George Steinbrenner
  • George Steinbrenner
  • George Steinbrenner

Please feel free to post your favorite... either way.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Out Sick

Still under the weather, my dear Yankees readers. This is a really funky virus. The dog and cat are holding a vigil for me... as I am for Joe Torre.

Tomorrow Joe is at Tampa for meetings... let us pray.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sam - Yankee Poodle

I am still under the weather, and feeling unmotivated today. So sorry.

But I thought I would take this opportunity to post one of my favorite pictures of the dog... to give him equal time, one can say. He's tres cute, no? Once I get more moolah, I will get a Yankees bomber jacket to go with his Yankees collar, and he will be one hot major league poodle.