Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yay Big Papi ..Yay!

Now... I loves me my Yankees... and I am fiercely opposed to the Red Sox as much as any other red-blooded Yankee fan. But I have to say that what David Ortiz said yesterday about Joe Torre being a great manager, and how the team would feel it somehow next year if he left, is just pure class. This guy is a big ol' classy teddy bear.

And to top it off, Francona keeps trying to call Joe, finally gets through, and gives him his support.

Now, I ask you... to see compassion and support from the arch nemesis... now, doesn't that give you hope in a sometimes hopeless world?

What a week...

This has been one heck of a week that has gone by...
  • the Yankees eliminated
  • Torre's been hung out to dry
  • Steinbrenner has been quiet
  • Mo cleans out his locker and speaks out for Joe
  • the GOP debate (a joke) was nothing more than a fist fight between Mitt and Rudy (and Mitt still evades Mormon issues while Rudy is getting slammered by the extreme right-Christians)
  • it finally got cold this week
  • I got a cold this week
  • Torre gets asked to come to Tampa next week to meet with Management
  • Big Papi sticks up for Joe (see post above)
  • Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize (yay for him!)

Yup... it's been quite a week.

Friday Cat Blogging

Yes... another Friday Cat Blogging entry to join the untold gazillion FCB's that are out there. For those of you who enjoy cute kits... well, enjoy. For those that don't... well, you have to deal with.
Here is a preliminary pic of Natalie (from her shelter... I will be posting new ones that really do her justice), who was adopted into this Yankees family in mid-August, and she was 10 months old here. She has grown fond of our Yanks... but I think mostly, when she heard the game was on at 7:00pm, she knew dinner time was not far off! As soon as she heard the YES channel, she came zooming down the stairs. Awwww.

I think she will start to worry now during the off-season. Will have to play a Yankee classic to reassure. Darn cat.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A-Rod's Agent

I read today in the New York Times that A-Rod's eyes were red on Monday night when he was in the clubhouse after the game.

He feels bad... he feels bad about the loss, bad about the team, bad for himself, I'm sure. And he said he felt bad about Joe.

He can do something about it. Maybe more than anyone. He can tell the Boss that if Joe goes, he doesn't come back. But Scott Boras, who it seems runs his show with an absolute fist, won't let him do that. Even... even if he wanted to. And that's a terrible, dehumanizing shame.

Because A-Rod could add to his legacy in a really great way doing this. But, even if he wanted to ... it's about money in the end. His agent wants him to opt-out of the contract. Alex makes more money now than he or his progeny could make in a life time.

Oh, but of course, Boras is only looking out for his client.

Suzyn Walden

I think folks are being too hard on Suzyn because of her crying while broadcasting from the clubhouse. I don't think she was crying because the Yankees lost... she's too professional for that. I think that it sincerely got to her that Joe could be leaving, and that this ballclub could fall apart because of it.

I heard that other coaches were crying too. People forget that when you work with and for people for many years, it's inevitable that you are going to form close ties. I for one think Suzyn is a very gutsy person, and a great broadcaster. I like her more than Sterling.

There I said it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Giulliani sticks up for Joe...

Did anyone catch Rudy sticking up for Torre during the republican debate tonight on CNN?

He said that Joe was the best manager of all time. I think he's right... I don't agree with his political views... but I thought that was cool of him to defend Joe like that.

Do you think the Boss watches CNN?

Baseball Movies

After the post-game show on YES last night (which they did an excellent job... as usual!) I flipped around and found a movie called "Fear Strikes Out (1957)" about Red Sox center-fielder Jim Piersall and his fight with mental illness. The story was riveting, and I was surprised to find out that he kept playing ball even after being treated in a mental hospital. Anthony Perkins played Piersall... he was brilliant. I think he was scarier here than in "Psycho". If you have a chance to watch this movie, see it... because I can't even imagine a situation like this going on in the majors in this day and age.

We're supposed to be living in a more enlightened world. But sports is obsessed with image, sometimes more than performance, it seems. I have a feeling the poor guy would probably have it worse now. I really do.

Joe Deserves More

Last night was tough. The Yankees were eliminated and all the optimism and momentum that was gained by the previous night's win seemed like a beautiful dream... the kind of dream that you think is real... you're sure it is. And you close your eyes and hope that you can go back to the dream because it feels so nice.

Instead here we are again. We just got to the first round. Yet I feel a lot of good was seen and done in this year, and yes ... even in this post-season. We got to see a broken and slumping team come back from an almost impossible trail behind the Red Sox. We got to see great men battling it out through 162 games, through injuries, through the inane gossip, through the relentless media scrutiny. And now there is a team being formed, finally cohesive... bonded with each other and forming a brotherhood that we have not seens since the late 90's in the age of Brocius, Martinez and Williams, Pettite and Jeter. This is not the time, Mr. Steinbrenner, to bail out.

Through all this, Joe Torre has been unflappble. Aways. Through the past 12 years, he has been the epitomy of class and cool. He has brought this team to the post season every single year since he's been manager. Every single year. To bring this team to the 2007 post-season has been nothing short of a miracle. He is has been this teams father-figure, and this team's heart.

George Steinbrenner should finally grow up in his old age. Doubt that he will. I am hoping for a miracle, though. Just like the miracle that has been the past 12 years.